Tag: Art

What Is Fine Art?

Fine art has a rich history. There have been many shifts in the meaning of fine art throughout time. Sometimes, specific fine arts such...

John William Hill American, Born England

John William Hill was born in England. He decided he would be an artist and his goal as a painter was to create, "simplicity,...

Pierre-Auguste Cot’s paintings

There is always a certain tension that comes with painting a sexualized portrait of a woman and it's consequences. This tension was brought to...

What are Fine Art Notifications?

The fine art industry has specific requirements for when notified of newly arrived consignments, and something as simple as tagging your work could potentially...

What Van Gogh did to make his paintings so breathtaking

An article about the original Van Gogh painting "Wheat Field with Cypress." The history and artistic value of the painting, as well as its...

Art Restoration: How To Recognize The Signatures Of Famous Artists

Throughout history, an artist's hand has been their signature - something they put on the work they created. But what happens if the paint...


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