Max Kutz

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5 Ways To Boost Your Creativity In 5 Mins

5 Ways To Boost Your Creativity In 5 Mins We...

What is the difference between Fine Art and Art?

What is fine art vs art? For many people, the...

The various ways Art is sold

The various ways Art is sold When it comes to...

Digital Painting: More Than Just A Hobby

Digital Painting: More Than Just A Hobby Digital painting is...

How perfect is the progress of art?

This article discusses the repercussions of this concept, what it is and how it's been promoted by philosophers. It also gives you a quick...

How to start a series of paintings

The article gives a few tips for how to start a series of paintings. One tip is to alternate the first canvas with second...

Art For Beginners: Starting off with a simple sketch

If you are new to art, and you have absolutely no experience with painting, sculpting, or drawing, this article is perfect for you. Read...

How to Add More Beauty Into Your Art

What does it take to make a beautiful painting? Is it the brushstrokes and blend of colors, or is it the subject matter that...

Why you should create your own personal art library and make it a lifelong work of art

Creating your own personal art library is a very rewarding and worthwhile exercise. Not only will you have a personal piece of art that...

How to get the right inspiration

Whether you're writing, designing, or speaking on your blog - if you want your content to be creative and original, you need to be...


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5 Ways To Boost Your Creativity In 5 Mins

5 Ways To Boost Your Creativity In 5 Mins We...

What is the difference between Fine Art and Art?

What is fine art vs art? For many people, the...

The various ways Art is sold

The various ways Art is sold When it comes to...

Digital Painting: More Than Just A Hobby

Digital Painting: More Than Just A Hobby Digital painting is...

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