Max Kutz

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5 Ways To Boost Your Creativity In 5 Mins

5 Ways To Boost Your Creativity In 5 Mins We...

What is the difference between Fine Art and Art?

What is fine art vs art? For many people, the...

The various ways Art is sold

The various ways Art is sold When it comes to...

Digital Painting: More Than Just A Hobby

Digital Painting: More Than Just A Hobby Digital painting is...

How Did The Idea Of Fine Art Emerge?

Art has the capability to create emotions, memories, and relationships. Fine art is not just a style of crafting that only includes high quality...

A New Emphasis On Craft In The “Fine” Art

There are definite and undeniable differences between art that is created with a "craft-tension" and art that is produced without it, but in the...

The Vanity Of The Artist

The 18th century coined the phrase "vanity of the artist" which basically follows in the footsteps of Plato's declaration that beauty is dangerous and...

The Modernist Work Of Art

One of the most highly contested concepts today is the modernist work of art. What is a work of art? It takes some time...

Theories and the Actualities of Artwork

Are the theories and the actualities of art without one another? Or is this distinction not necessary in order to be counted as a...

Abstract Art: Not Always Meaningless

Abstract art today defines itself exclusively in terms of its objecthood. They have a physical presence, which is why abstract art that is framed...


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What is fine art vs art? For many people, the...

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The various ways Art is sold When it comes to...

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